We Still Love John

October 13, 2009

Reflection (Ange)

Filed under: #5: review and evaluation — qi @ 8:37 am

I have experienced the Problem-based Learning process and can better understand the benefits and limitations. I can use it for planning of authentic and meaningful learning lessons with my pupils that involve solving real life problems.

With inquiry-based learning as the pedagogical approach used here, pupils learn through asking questions and solving their own problems through interacting with their classmates. The different stages of the PBL process serve as a good guideline for pupils to self-direct their own learning. I am also aware of my role as a coach rather than teacher, and have acquired some questioning techniques on asking questions to facilitate further inquiry.

I learnt that different people in the group offers you with different perspectives and fresh ideas that one person might not have thought about.

One of the strength of PBL is the use of authentic problem scenario stimulate learning by creating curiosity in the learner. We can make boring topics fun by using PBL to “teach”. High ability pupils who like to be challenged especially, would like this type of activity that activate their higher order thinking skills. With learning more fun, pupils will be able to learn better.

However, one limitation of PBL is that the progress of the pupil’s learning is very reliant on the individuals in the group. If the group did not seek help/advise from the coach when they are faced with a problem which they are unable to solve that hinders them from progressing, the problem would accumulate making it harder to solve at the end.

Our group is effective as we are supportive and open towards each other’s ideas. We are creative and are not afraid of trying out new approaches in solving our problem. I have learnt that the problem solving approach can be used to teach almost any subject, not only psychology.

After learning PBL, I will adapt a teaching style different from that of my contract experience when i go back to schools for my practicum. This experience has made me more aware of how to design and ask questions in class. I will use real life examples to stimulate the pupils thinking at a higher order. A boring topic can become interesting because of this approach. My role as a teacher has also changed into that of a facilitator when this learning is taking place.

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